You can order EXTREmers in tubes or plates. Please use the 'EXTREmers in Tubes' quick order link to have them delivered in tubes. To order EXTREmers in Plates, please use the order from below.
The specifications for EXTREmers are the following:
Feature | Details |
Length | 60–200 bases |
Scale & Quantity Delivered* | Unmodified, unpurified EXTREmer oligos will have a minimum yield of 4 or 25 nmole. Purified and/or modified EXTREmer oligos have a lower minimum yield, typically 1 nmole. |
Modifications | Single letter IUB codes and other limited modifications |
Purification option | Salt-free |
Quality Control | ESI MS or CGE |
>Minimum # wells | The minimum number of wells per plate is 24 and 96 for 96-well and 384-well plates. You will be charged a partial plate fee for plates under the minimum. |
*The total yield of the EXTREmer Oligo obtained after synthesis and QC is lyophilized and shipped to you.
You can either upload the excel file after downloading the same from the link below and filling the required fields or Copy & Paste the details in the required format.
Upload File: You can enter the details of your sequence into the excel file after downloading the same from the link provided below. To enter modifications on the 5′ terminus, select the modification from the dropdown list. To enter internal modifications, type the designator for the required modification at the appropriate positions in the sequence (5′→3&prime). The designators and available modifications are listed in the helpful tips sheet of the template. Please note that you can review and edit the sequence in the final step after you upload the file.
Copy & Paste: When you copy and paste your sequence from your files, ensure that the well position, the name, and the sequence of the EXTREmer are separated using one of the expected delimiters. Each row must have all the three required pieces of information, i.e., well position, unique name of the EXTREmer oligo, and the sequence, to be included in the order. Please do not include spaces or any other delimiters in the name of the EXTREmer.