Reliable detection of cancer-associated mutations in 597 genes from liquid biopsy samples
GATCLiquid Oncopanel All-in-one offers the most comprehensive cancer gene panel testing of liquid biopsy samples in the world.
The service fully covers the exons of about 600 cancer-relevant genomic regions, including protein-coding genes, selected promoter regions and fusion gene events. The service is the first of its kind to enable the detection of structural variants, including copy number variations and fusion events from circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). The broad coverage of oncogenic alterations enables the non-invasive investigation for nearly any kind of tumor type.
Typical applications for GATCLiquid Oncopanel All-in-one include
- Non-invasive screening for clinically relevant tumor-associated mutations
- Comparison of matched samples from tumor biopsies and liquid biopsies
- Research on mechanisms of cancer progression
- Selection of the most-relevant mutation for follow-up studies with GATCLiquid Oncotarget
Highlights GATCLiquid Oncopanel All-in-one
- Screening of ctDNA isolated from blood plasma for 597 key cancer-associated genes
- Efficient capture of all exons of the targeted genes
- Analysis of structural and copy number variants (see “Product Details”)
- Industry leading sequence coverage and uniformity
- Limit of quantification (LOQ) down to an allele frequency of 1%
Full service package offered by GATCLiquid Oncopanel All-in-one including
- Reproducible cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis of whole exons of 597 protein-coding genes and selected promoter regions
- Accurate characterisation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions and deletions (InDels)
- Reliable detection of gene fusions between the covered genes plus 20 additional cancer-specific gene fusions
- Proprietary protocols for cfDNA extraction and library preparation from plasma samples
- Superior target enrichment efficiency using optimized hybridization techniques with latest Agilent SureSelect chemistry
- Highly sensitive assay with a lower detection limit down to 1% tumor allele frequency
- Professional bioinformatical analysis complemented with QIAGEN’s Ingenuity Variant Analysis platform
- Analysis of copy number variations (CNV)s possible*
*CNV analysis using GATCLiquid Oncopanel All-in-one has to be performed with the appropriate control group. Please send us plasma samples from at least seven other patients/individuals in order to correctly identify somatic CNVs in a given sample.
For an individual quote or additional information, contact us.
Accepted starting material for GATCLiquid Oncopanel All-in-one
- 10 ml blood
- 4 ml plasma*
- 15 ng already isolated cell-free DNA (up to 30 µl / concentration > 0,5 ng/µl)
* If possible, please provide an additional aliquot. Prepare plasma according to provided protocol (See Files). Ship plasma on dry ice. Thawing of the plasma will lead to degradation of the cell-free DNA (cfDNA).
Sequencing technology
- Hybridization-based target capture using proprietary protocols and latest Agilent SureSelect technology
- Next-generation sequencing on Illumina platform
- FastQ Files (sequences and quality scores)
- Alignment file (bam)
- SNP and InDel tables including annotated variants and effects (vcf, tsv)
- Tables of copy gain and copy loss events (tsv)
- Table of gene fusion events (tsv)
- Comprehensive Data Analysis Report (pdf)
For an individual quote or additional information, contact us.
GATCLIQUID ONCOPANEL ALL-IN-ONE offers the most in-depth approach for tumor mutation profiling from plasma cell-free (cfDNA) via a targeted cancer gene panel. As a powerful non-invasive tool, this tumor panel enables monitoring of cancer specific mutations with high fidelity and sensitivity. The analyzed material, ctDNA, is described as a specific and sensitive biomarker in multiple human cancers, which allows for comprehensive molecular profiling of the tumour. This cancer panel enables the detection of about 600 clinically actionable genomic regions, including frequently mutated genes, such as BRAF, KRAS, EGFR, PIK3CA, HER2 and TP53. The scope of this mutation panel makes the product perfectly suitable for the investigation of nearly any type of cancer, including melanoma, bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer and lung cancer.

For an individual quote or additional information, contact us.