We help you to achieve an easy workflow with your cell line
- Save time and use our fast and reliable service for cell line authentication
- Prevent either misidentified or cross-contaminated cell lines
- Check with us if unwanted microorganisms are present in your cell line (e.g. with Mycoplasma)
- Publish your results in journals (e.g. Nature, AACR Journals, Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, etc.) with certified cell lines

Profit from best practice
Eurofins is experienced in DNA profiling as the biggest commercial supplier for human profiles for police forces.
To safe time and money, we recommend cell line authentication at regular intervals as a standard quality assurance.
ISO-certified quality
Eurofins' laboratory is ISO 17025:2005 (D-PL-18779-01-00) accredited for forensic genetics and well experienced in the compilation of human profiles.
Our quality management is ISO 9001:2008 certified and all our processes are well documented and follow strict quality guidelines.
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Simple and fast genotyping of your cell line
Fully provided cell line authentication services from DNA extraction to official certificates of authenticity that are accepted by peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Basic cell line authenticity service
- Cell Line Authenticity Basic Service using Promega PowerPlex 21 System (customer sends DNA extracts). The 21 tested DNA markers include the required markers by the ANSI/ATCC standard ASN-0002.
Additional cell line authenticity services
- DNA extraction of standard cell line samples like cell pellets (dried or frozen)
- Profile search and comparison to published profiles using public and recognized databases (ATCC, DSMZ, JCRB)
- Provision of certificates for prove of testing results (e.g. for publication)
- Mycoplasma testing
On request
- DNA extraction of non-standard cell line samples like biopsy samples, blood, tissue, etc.
- Extended human profiles using additional marker sets
- Species identification to determine contamination of cell lines by another species (pig, human, hamster, bovine, ovine, mouse, etc.)
- Cell line banking
- SNP genotyping of cell lines
- Genome Instability Monitoring and CNV testing
For prices and additional information just contact us!
Our quality management is ISO 9001:2008 certified and all our processes are well documented and follow strict quality guidelines. Additionally, our laboratory is accredited acc. to ISO 17025:2005 (D-PL-18779-01-00) for forensic genetics.
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