INVIEW stands for streamlined high-quality end-to-end Next-Generation Sequencing solutions.

Our various INVIEW services are optimised for specific applications and include all steps from quality control, library preparation, sequencing to bioinformatics. Certified service standards and streamlined workflows guarantee highest data quality and most-efficient completion of your project. Our dedicated expert team that consists of outstanding scientific specialists and bioinformaticians supervises every single step of the workflow.

As an Agilent and Illumina Certified Service Provider, our scientific methods are fully compliant with the latest state-of-the art quality standards. For Next Generation Sequencing, which is performed in our own labs, we use the Illumina HiSeq, Illumina MiSeq and PacBio RS II platforms. These platform are officially accredited by the German Accreditation Body DAkkS according to the international ISO norm 17025.

Highlights of our INVIEW services

  • Streamlined LIMS-controlled workflow
  • Reliable turnaround times
  • Highest quality - the products are based on superior in-house techniques which ensure premium data quality
  • Straightforward solutions - save time and effort by choosing a Best Practice approach that includes all steps to successfully finalise your project



INVIEW Microbiome

INVIEW Transcriptome



INVIEW Metagenome