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The Service

Bacterial Genome sequencing is designed for the comprehensive analysis of entire genomes. It involves the sequencing and assembly of genomic DNA (gDNA) derived from a clonal population, specifically a singular bacterial species. Leveraging cutting-edge long-read sequencing technology from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), this service encompasses the following key components:

  • Library—generation of an amplification-free long-read sequencing library utilizing the latest v14 library preparation chemistry.
  • Primer-free sequencing—sequence the sample using the highly accurate R10.4.1 flow cells.
  • Assembly—generation of a high-quality bacterial genome assembly, employing advanced methodologies.
  • Data delivery—a comprehensive set of data files will be delivered to the customer, in various file formats to facilitate diverse analyses.

Turnaround time is typically within 2 business days of receiving the samples. If extraction is required, then the turnaround time is typically 1 week.

What defines a “successful” sequencing result?

The primary objective of this service is to furnish a precise, full-length contig for each sample. However, the attainment of the targeted output is highly contingent upon the quantity, quality, and purity of the genomic DNA (gDNA) submitted. Due to this dependency, Eurofins Genomics cannot guarantee any specific output.  

Minimum target data for determining whether sequencing was successful or not:

  • The target for standard samples is 210 Mb of ONT sequencing data, which equates to a 30x genome coverage of a single 7 Mb genome.
  • The target for big sequences is 360 Mb of ONT sequencing data, which equates to 30x genome coverage of a single 12 Mb genome.

In instances where the aforementioned deliverables cannot be achieved, our repeat policy comes into effect. Even if a high-quality assembly proves elusive, we can still provide the raw data as fastq files. In some cases, the researcher may

Bacterial Genome sequencing is designed for the comprehensive analysis of entire genomes. It involves the sequencing and assembly of genomic DNA (gDNA) derived from a clonal population, specifically a singular bacterial species. Leveraging cutting-edge long-read sequencing technology from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), this service encompasses the following key components:

  • Library—generation of an amplification-free long-read sequencing library utilizing the latest v14 library preparation chemistry.
  • Primer-free sequencing—sequence the sample using the highly accurate R10.4.1 flow cells.
  • Assembly—generation of a high-quality bacterial genome assembly, employing advanced methodologies.
  • Data delivery—a comprehensive set of data files will be delivered to the customer, in various file formats to facilitate diverse analyses.

Turnaround time is typically within 2 business days of receiving the samples. If extraction is required, then the turnaround time is typically 1 week.

Sample type Size Category Length Concentration Min volume Price per sample
Bacterial Genome Regular up to 7 Mb 100 ng/uL ≥50 uL $90
Large 7 - 12 Mb 100 ng/uL ≥50 uL $105


Information on Bacterial Genome Sequencing

Oxford Nanopore technology has emerged as a transformative force in the realm of bacterial genome sequencing, offering distinct advantages that revolutionize the way we approach genomic investigations. At the core of its efficacy lies the remarkable capability for long-read sequencing, enabling the generation of extensive, contiguous sequences. This is particularly advantageous when deciphering the intricate architecture of bacterial genomes, which often harbor repetitive elements, mobile genetic elements, and complex structural variations.

The long-read nature of Oxford Nanopore sequencing significantly enhances our ability to capture complete genomic regions in a single read, facilitating the elucidation of gene arrangements, operon structures, and the delineation of regulatory elements. Unlike short-read technologies, which may struggle with repetitive regions, Oxford Nanopore's capacity to span such sequences in a single read is a game-changer, providing a more comprehensive and accurate representation of the bacterial genome.

Furthermore, the real-time sequencing capability of Oxford Nanopore technology empowers researchers with dynamic insights during the sequencing process. This real-time data acquisition is particularly beneficial for bacterial genome sequencing, allowing for the prompt identification of virulence factors, antibiotic resistance genes, or other crucial elements. Researchers can adjust sequencing parameters on the fly, optimizing experimental conditions based on emerging data, and accelerating the pace of discovery.

The portability and ease of use of Oxford Nanopore sequencers add another layer of practicality for bacterial genome studies. Field studies, outbreak investigations, and point-of-care applications can leverage this technology to swiftly obtain genomic information, enabling rapid response and decision-making in various contexts, from clinical settings to environmental monitoring.

In conclusion, Oxford Nanopore technology stands as a transformative tool for bacterial genome sequencing, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of long-read capability, real-time data acquisition, and portability. These features collectively redefine the landscape of genomic research, empowering scientists to delve deeper into the intricacies of bacterial genomes and paving the way for new insights into bacterial biology, evolution, and pathogenicity.