To check laboratory hours over the holiday season, please CLICK HERE.


Accounts, Orders and EVOcards

Order History How to create an account and link institutional pricing to account


 Groups - how to create a group?
Groups - how to invite members to a group

 EVOcards - how to order an EVOcard
 EVOcards - how to add funds to an existing card



 How to Activate and Share SimpleSeq Kits  How to submit Sanger sequencing in tube format


 How to add primers on the sample submission page?
 How to add primers to the sequencing upload form?


 How to submit a Prepaid DNA plate?  How to submit a Prepaid PCR plate?


Sequencing Dashboard pt1 - overview
 Sequencing Dashboard pt2 - how to view and manage prepaid reactions, kits, and prepaid plates


Sequencing Dashboard pt3 - assigning and sharing