Pet breeding: Verification of your pet's pedigree

Confirming the ownership of an individual pet to a pet breed, bloodline or even to a specific sire is of high importance. Hence, Eurofins supports you scientifically to prove the basis of your pet's origin.  

Developing and applying DNA markers for marker-assisted identification of breed individuals is getting more efficient with almost daily technology improvements. We support your application in population genetics and in the breeding of:

  • Dogs (details in next tab)
  • Other pets (details in additional tabs)

Do you want to apply established DNA markers in established animals, for example cost-efficient SNP or STR marker genotyping of dogs and cats?

Do you need genetic fingerprints or parentage testing?

Contact Eurofins Genomics Europe for questions, inquires, or more information.

What is your dog's origin?

Breeding service – parentage, paternity and identity testing

We offer DNA profiling of your dog using 10 microsatellite markers. If desired or necessary, additional microsatellites are available and can be included to the analysis. Here, also the standard ISAG marker set using 18 microsatellites including Amelogenin (sexing marker) can be applied that enables national and international comparability.

Strong partner in dog genotyping and breeding

For many years, we worked with several nation-wide as well as international dog breeding associations.

Hence, Eurofins has developed a huge database of genetic fingerprints of a lot of dog varieties.

For some dog species there also exist specific contracts with breeding associations.

Test for hereditary diseases

Together with our partner laboratory we offer a multitude of DNA tests and genetic analyses. No matter if we talk about hereditary diseases or DLA (dog leucocyte antigen) haplotyping. 

Our partner laboratory is specialized in veterinary diagnostics and animal health for several years. Choose our one-stop-shop and get all important information about the genetic situation of your dog through one single channel, from highly experienced laboratories and with the best scientific support possible.

Choose from a huge basket full of possibilities and test your dog for genetic disorders in the fields of:

  • metabolism
  • immune system
  • eyes' diseases
  • muscle, skeleton or nervous system
  • organic diseases
  • blood-linked diseases
  • further genetic diseases

*NEW*: Genetic Screening - up to 140 gene tests in one run, for one price! *NEW*


Five Easy Steps to the Test Results

Ordering - Test Package - Sample Taking - Sample Submission - Result. 


Choose the right test from our Request for Test Kit & Order Form. For any question about the tests or the ordering procedure do not hesitate to contact us.

Test Package:

After you have placed the order you will receive a test package from our partner laboratory including buccal swabs (histobrushes), detailed instruction for sample taking and an envelope for easy sample submission.

Please note: some tests may require EDTA blood submission instead of buccal swabs.

Sample Taking:

Please follow the instructions provided together with the test package. Please use only the equipment provided. Usage of standard cotton swabs is not recommended.

Samples Submission:

Just return the package to the address mentioned.


Result will be shipped electronically by email.

Dependent on the ordered test, turn-around time will be 10 to 14 days after sample reception.


What is your pet's origin?

Breeding service – parentage, paternity and identity testing

Eurofins offers DNA profiling of your pet using at least 10 microsatellite markers and standard marker sets recommended by ISAG that enables national and international comparability.

Eurofins - a strong partner in pet genotyping and breeding

We have a great deal of experience in performing pet genotyping successfully to help pet owners prove scientifically their pet's origin.

Hence, we have developed several genetic fingerprinting assays for the following pets:

  • Cat
  • Bird
  • Reptile
  • and others

Contact Eurofins Genomics Europe for questions, inquires, or more information.

General FAQ

Contact Eurofins Genomics Europe for questions, inquires, or more information.

1. Which information will be received by DNA analysis (genotyping) of animals?
Each genotyping lead to a genetic fingerprint (DNA profil) of the animal that is so individual to be able to identify a single animal out of 6 billion animals. The genetic fingerprint can be prepared from different animal tissues like blood, hair roots, skin, pinfeathers and after slaughtering from meat and meat products. Comparison of several animals or comparison of a single profile with an earlier profile lead to a doubtless identity confirmation. If no reference specimen is available, comparison of the DNA fingerprint with the fingerprint of the parents can be used for parentage confirmation.

In contrast to other marker-based methods (e.g. microchips) the genetic fingerprint is not susceptible for manipulation. Regarding livestock animals, comparison of the DNA profile of meat and meat products with an earlier DNA profile of the living animal enables the detection of the meat origin (see traceability of meat). This unforgeable test supports marketing possibilities.

The genetic fingerprint can only be used for identification and contains no genetic information. Anyhow, the analysis can be combined with a diagnosis of genetic diseases or desired genetic attributes. It is harmless for the animal.

2. What is a genetic fingerprint?
The genetic fingerprint is prepared by using so-called microsatellites. Microsatellites are non-coding regions of the genome where simple DNA sequences, e.g. GA, GAG or CAA, are repeated differently. Hence, the DNA regions have a different length. Each individual shows a unique combination of microsatellite regions of different length that lead to a unique band pattern, like a barcode, in the fragment length analysis. This band pattern is also called DNA profile or genetic fingerprint.

For pets or livestock animals a marker set of at least 10 microsatellites are used to perform individualism successfully.

3. In which cases animal genotyping is applied?
Animal breeding and animal identification
Genotyping enables a distinct parentage confirmation comparing the DNA profiles of the parents with those of the offspring.

Recovered animals can be identified if the DNA profile is already present or can be prepared from hairs or saliva traces, e.g. on chewing bones.

Additionally, genotyping is the ideal application for seldom or valuable animals like birds or reptiles where microchip methods could be problematic. Here, also sexing is an important application that is possible by genotyping.

Food control
Genotyping enables the assignment of meat and meat products to an individual, if the genetic fingerprint was prepared before. If no reference specimen is present, the comparison can be performed facing the sires and/or parents. Hence, a random sample system can be established that enables regular controls.

Another approach is the assignment of a meat or meat product to a specific animal species.

Species conservation
If there is the suspicion that protected animal species were found at a retailer or importer, genotyping gives the possibility to detect if the animals are followers (comparison of the DNA profile to the putative sires) or romps.

4. What can the required DNA be isolated from for the analysis?
Sampling is dependent on the animal species and usage of the samples. The easiest way is to take oral swabs using cotton wool wads that are completely harmless for the animal and especially suitable for small animals.

Often, 1 mL EDTA blood for mammals or 0.1 to 0.2 mL EDTA blood for birds, reptiles, etc. (animals with erythrocytes containing a cell nucleus) are used. Besides, DNA can also be isolated from hair roots and pinfeathers. Using oral swabs, it is important to apply this only for animals that are no longer suckled as maternal cells from the milk in the oral cavity could adulterate the result. Using hair roots, please ensure that the hairs could not originate from other animals that are in contact with the respective animal.

5. How should the samples be submitted?
The blood, swab or hair samples can be send unchilled by postal service but should be labeled clearly. A detailed questionnaire can be requested.

6. How long does it take to receive the result?
Generally, the analysis result is sent 3-4 weeks after sample reception.

7. How much is the DNA analysis?
Please request the specific price for your query through our contact form. For some animals there exist specific contracts with breeding associations.

8. How the results are delivered?
The results/certificates will be send to the person who submitted the samples. If a breeding association has send the sample the result will be forwarded by the breeding association to the animal owner. In consultation with the breeding association the results can be entered into a central database, if the animal owner agrees.

9. What happens with the DNA samples after the analysis
If desired, the DNA can be stored for longer time at Eurofins. Please let us know, if this will be required.



1. Which information will I receive by DNA analysis of dogs
By DNA analysis the individual, unforgettable and life-long unchangeable genetic fingerprint is determined. Comparing the genetic profile of parents and pups enables the confirmation of parentage of the offspring.

Comparing the genetic fingerprint of stored and newly sampled DNA samples enables the possibility to identify recovered animals.

In contrast to other marker-based methods (e.g. microchips) the genetic fingerprint is not susceptible for manipulation.

2. What can the required DNA be isolated from for the analysis?
For DNA analysis we would need EDTA blood (1-3 mL) that should be retrieved by a veterinary. Besides, also mouth swabs and hairs with roots (5-10 pieces) can be used. Please note the following specifications for using oral samples:

- For oral swabs you will need a cotton wool wad that can be a commercial wad or one provided by Eurofins
- Please use two swabs per animal
- Rub and turn the swab thoroughly at the oral mucosa to receive as much as mucosa cells (essential is the amount of cells and not of saliva); this procedure is absolutely free of pain for the animal
- The oral cavity should be free of feed rests; hence, do not sample your animal shortly after feeding
- Let the swab air dry for about 5 minutes
- Do not touch the cotton wool area
- Insert the swabs into a labeled envelope (provided with the swab sticks); you can insert the second swab into the same envelope
- Please use for every animal a separate envelope and specifiy the identity of the animal clearly
- If you use commercially available cotton wool wads, please cut off the second, non-used side of the stick

Please consider this guidance carefully. For juristic accepted certificates the sampling should be performed and recorded by an independent person.

3. How will I receive the results?
The results/certificates will be send to the person who submitted the samples. If a breeding association has send the sample the result will be forwarded by the breeding association to the animal owner.

In consultation with the breeding association the results can be entered into a central database, if the animal owner agrees.