
Forensic DNA Analysis

Forensic Toxicology

Our ISO 17025 accredited DNA laboratories offer a full range of testing services - from DNA extraction to high throughput DNA sequencing, SNP and scene of crime analysis. More information is on the subsequent tabs. 

From the analysis of conventional samples (blood, urine and oral fluids) through to the development and analysis of specialist samples (hair and nails), our range of detectable drugs and chemicals is unsurpassed across Europe. More information is on the subsequent tabs.


  • DNA profiling from blood, saliva and other probes
  • Paternity and relationship analyses
  • DNA profile interpretation
  • Crime Scene Analyses


  • Analyses conducted on an unrivalled range of matrices
  • Blood & Urine
  • Hair
  • Drugs & Alcohol

Contact our laboratories

Quality & Safety


From the analysis of conventional samples (blood, urine and oral fluids) to the development and analysis of specialist samples (hair and nails), our range of detectable drugs and chemicals is unsurpassed

Carried out by recognised scientific leaders in their field, our laboratories specialise in the provision of tailored solutions.

All our processes meet EU wide chain of custody procedures and protocols, utilising state of the art instruments afor the detection of one-off and persistant trace chemicals from a variety of samples.

Our Services include:

  • Analysis conducted on an unrivalled range of matrices
  • GC-MS / LCMS confirmation for legally defensible results
  • Competitive pricing and reliable turn-around times
  • Expert Witness and Consultancy Services
  • Unknown chemical identification
  • Determination of chronic alcohol abuse and dependency
  • Determination of one-off and persistent substance misuse

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Eurofins Forensic Services with dedicated laboratories in the UK, Germany, France and Belgium provide tailored DNA profiling services to police forces and legal services organisations across Europe, contributing to both national and international DNA databases.

Our strength is the unique combination of highly qualified staff, state-of-the-art equipment and outstanding expertise in all areas of forensic DNA analysis: from DNA extraction to high throughput DNA sequencing, SNP and scene of crime analysis.

We examine the impact of toxic agents in the human body, such as drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances, gases, solvents (alcohol), plant protection products (insecticides) and heavy metals

We provide:

  • Police Force compliant buccal (mouth) swab sampling
  • DNA profiling to comply French and German marker protocols for inclusion into national DNA databases
  • DNA profile interpretation and comparison for suspects - scene linkage and multiple scenes - incident linkage
  • Analysis of Crime Scene Stains - samples of DNA material from body fluids (Blood, Saliva, and Semen etc)
  • Touch DNA Analysis - handled objects and suspect reference samples
  • Serious Crime and Sexual Assault Investigation

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