Prepaid Plate Kits have all the convenience of a prepaid service plus the accessories you need to safely ship your samples.
When you order a PrepaidPlate from us, you will receive the accessories required to ship your valuable samples in a plate safely to us. You can assemble your samples in the 96-well plate and then ship the same back to us for processing. Since the plate is prepaid, when you submit your order for sequencing, you will not be charged for the sequencing service. Currently, we provide two types of prepaid kits and the associated services.
Order Prepaid Plates
This kit is for DNA samples that have already been purified by the customer, e.g., prepared plasmids, purified PCR products, etc.
Prepaid Plate DNA Kit
Does not include purification/prep
- Purification not included. Customer must purify/prep samples before sending
- 96 sequencing reactions (PCR clean-up or DNA preparation is not included)
- A barcoded blue PCR plate
- Twelve 8-cap strips for sealing
- Shipped in our plate sample box
- Pre-paid, pre-addressed, shipping envelope
Prepaid Plate DNA kit
This kit is for crude PCR samples that have not been purified yet. Eurofins Genomics will purify the samples when received.
Prepaid Plate PCR Kit
Includes PCR clean up
- Includes PCR cleanup
- PCR cleanup
- 96 sequencing reactions
- A labelled green 96-well plate
- Twelve 8-cap strips for sealing
- Shipped in our plate sample box
- Pre-paid, pre-addressed, shipping envelope
Prepaid Plate PCR kit
Submit Prepaid Plate
*Prepaid plates are submitted on the normal plate sequencing submission page.
**Prepaid plates do not include any additional services which you add onto the order, such as custom primers or PowerRead upgrades

“I tried the pre-paid DNA sequencing plates and the process and results were fantastic! We have tried other options, including both in-house equipment and other competitors, but frankly, the pre-paid plates are significantly less expensive, faster, and results even arrived on Saturday.”
- J. Heilveil, Ph.D.
Sequencing Supplies
*Important: Looking for shipping labels? Eurofins Genomics recently switched to digital shipping labels, which are provided during checkout, instead of mailing pre-printed labels. Digital shipping labels are still free for >90% of orders. The option can be selected during checkout from the "Sample Submission Options" menu. More information.
Shipping Envelopes for Easy Sequencing
- 6 UPS shipping envelopes
- 96 unique barcode labels for templates and primers
- 10 sequencing sample bags.
- *Note: shipping labels are no longer included in with the envelopes. Instead, a digital label is provided during checkout.
Free Primer Barcode Labels
Use these barcode labels on all your sample submission tubes for a faster turnaround time. Please restrict your orders to a maximum of 288 barcodes/day (96 x 3 envelopes)
*Note: barcodes are entered in the online order page as digits only, no hyphens, spaces, or other special characters.
Please use these supplies to assemble and ship your samples. It is best to order these supplies in advance of when you plan to submit samples to ensure a smooth, timely submission process. These items will be shipped to you using regular shipping options.
Customer Feedback

“I tried the pre-paid DNA sequencing plates and the process and results were fantastic! We have tried other options, including both in-house equipment and other competitors, but frankly, the pre-paid plates are significantly less expensive, faster, and results even arrived on Saturday.”
- J. Heilveil, Ph.D.
How to Submit Prepaid Plate PCR
How to Submit Prepaid Plate DNA