ABI TaqMan / Roche LightCycler

ABI TaqMan / Roche LightCycler

Real-time PCR - Our knowledge is your benefit!

We run your project on one of our highly acknowledged real-time PCR platforms and offer you:

  • Plate instruments with highest precision between the wells
  • Different probe formats (e.g., Hybridisation probes, hydrolysis probes, TaqMan)
  • Various fluorescent dyes (e.g., SYBR Green, FAM, HEX, Cyanine5)
  • Fast and reproducible results

Roche LightCycler 480 Instrument II

We use LightCycler 480 Systems with 384-well plates and hence for medium- to high-throughput sample numbers.

ABI TaqMan 7500

On this platform we run 96-well plates. Therefore, this device is used for small to medium sample throughputs.

Strict confidentiality is ensured by every project. The high quality of our service is overseen by a professional quality management team. We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.

Do you need more information? Are you interested in an individual quote? Just contact us!

Quantify your DNA!

We offer the whole range in quantitative PCR (qPCR) and SNP detection for the following applications on our Realtime PCR platforms:

Gene expression analysis / RNA quantification

  • Absolute mRNA quantifiaction (e.g. against a synthetic DNA standard, produced in-house)
  • Relative mRNA quantification (e.g. against houskeeping Genes)

DNA quantification

  • Absolute measurement of DNA
  • Relative measurement of DNA
  • Melting curve analysis
  • Residual DNA testing
  • Food testing

SNP genotyping / polymorphism analyses

  • Differentiation of polymorphism via specific probes
  • Melting curve analysis
  • High resolution melting curve analysis

Analysis of oncogenes

  • Quantification of gene copy numbers of oncogenes in relation to the whole genome

We will of course handle your order with outmost care and strict confidentiality. Our high quality service is controlled by our professional quality management team. We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.

Do you need more information? Are you interested in an individual quote? Just contact us!