Affymetrix Array Platforms

Affymetrix Array Platforms

Microarry Platforms

Affymetrix GeneTitan platform

The Affymetrix GeneTitan instrument is a fully automated multi channel genotyping and gene expression platform. Its scalability from medium- to high-throughput and its flexibility from 16-, 24- to 96-gene expression as well as 96- or 384-genotyping arrays sets industrial and academic standards and reduces time to results.

We offer the entire range of Affymetrix Axiom Genotyping arrays that cover 10,000 to 1.8 million markers in humans and many other species. Furthermore, the GeneTitan allows to analyse many different expression arrays from 3'IVT to whole transcript expression arrays.

Affymetrix GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G platform

The combination of fast and reliable performance, low scanner-to-scanner variation and high and flexible sample throughput makes this platform the accepted standard instrument in the research and diagnostic communities.

This platform can analyse many different cartridge based arrays: high density arrays, including SNP arrays with up to 900,000 SNPs, expression arrays for transcription and all-exon arrays for whole-genome analysis.

Lay your samples in our hands! You can expect from us:

  • Scientific consultation
  • Highest quality standards (up to GLP / GCP compliant)
  • Fast turnaround times
  • Highly experienced staff 100,000 samples and microarrays
  • Complete data confidentiality – no claims of rights

Do you need more information? Are you interested in an individual quote? Just contact us!

Benefit from our long-term experience!

Our Eurofins Genomics Laboratory AROS in Denmark has been an Authorized Service Provider for all Affymetrix assays since 2004. This close collaboration with Affymetrix ensures that we always have direct access, when a project is faced with specific challenges.

The Affymetrix genotyping arrays on the GeneTitan instrument (Axiom array plates) and the GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G System (cartridge arrays) can be used for a variety of questions - for a few and for a lot of samples, from targeted to genome-wide applications, for SNPs and copy number variations:

Array-based genotyping is used for association studies, linkage analysis, identification of haplotypes and much more. We analyse almost all sample material! Find here a selection of pre-designed genotyping arrays.


  • Axiom Exome Genotyping 300k SNP array
  • Axiom Biobank Genotyping 610k SNP array
  • Genome-wide SNP 6.0 Array (900k SNPs and 950k CNV)
  • CytoScan 750k Array /CytoScan HD Array


  • GeneChip Rice 44k SNP array
  • Axiom Strawberry 95k SNP array


  • Axiom Bovine 640k SNP array
  • Axiom Buffalo 90k SNP array
  • Axiom Chicken 580k SNP array
  • Canine 127 k SNP array
  • Mouse Diversity 623k SNP array

Please ask us if you want to design your own array (Axiom myDesign / customized SNP genotyping).

Strict confidentiality is ensured by every project. The high quality of our service is overseen by a professional quality management team. We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.

Do you need more information? Are you interested in an individual quote? Just contact us!

Best in class array based expression analysis combined with our long-term service experience!

Our Eurofins Genomics Laboratory AROS in Denmark has been an Authorized Service Provider for all Affymetrix assays since 2004. Our close collaboration with Affymetrix ensures that we always have direct access, when a project is faced with specific challenges.

The Affymetrix expression arrays are used for a wide application range. Affymetrix is best in class and offers pre-designed arrays for various species.

Our offer includes the processing and data analysis of both cartridge-based and Gene Titan peg array-based analyses for many different organisms:

  • Human
  • Bovine
  • Canine
  • Rat
  • Mouse
  • Chicken
  • Porcine
  • Rhesus
  • Zebra fish
  • Drosophila
  • E.coli
  • And many more

Strict confidentiality is ensured by every project. The high quality of our service is overseen by a professional quality management team.

Receive high-quality and high sensitive genetic analyses using the Affymetrix leading technology for expression studies.


Expression is the measurement of the activity of thousands of genes at once, to create a global picture of cellular function. These profiles can, for example, distinguish between cells that are actively dividing or show how the cells react to a particular treatment.

The Affymetrix expression arrays are used for a wide application range:

  • Gene regulation analysis
  • Whole-transcript expression analysis and profiling
  • 3’ IVT expressionanalysis
  • miRNA analysis

Affymetrix has pioneered expression microarray technology by producing the first “gold standard” for whole genome transcriptomics (U133plus2.0). Affymetrix offers a range of whole transcript arrays for human and model organisms. The different arrays can detect a variety of transcript isoforms:

  • Presumed standard transcripts
  • Transcripts with undefined 3’ end
  • Non-polyadenylated messages
  • Truncated transcripts
  • Alternate polyadenylation sites
  • Degraded samples
  • Genomic deletions
  • Alternative splicing
  • Alternative 5’ start site

Most commonly used arrays:

Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array: First and most comprehensive whole human genome expression array. The majority of sequence clusters were created from the UniGene database (Build 133, April 20, 2001). There are 9,921 new probe sets representing approximately 6,500 new genes selected from GenBank, dbEST, and RefSeq.

Human Gene 2.0 (or 1.0) ST Array: The whole-transcript coverage of these arrays provides the most accurate, sensitive and comprehensive measurement of protein coding and long intergenic non-coding RNA transcripts. This design provides a complete expression profile of mRNA as well as the intermediary lincRNA transcripts that impact the mRNA expression profile.

Human Transcriptome Array 2.0: These arrays give the ability to go beyond gene-level expression profiling by providing the coverage and accuracy required to detect all known transcript isoforms produced by a gene.

GeneChip® miRNA 4.0 Array: GeneChip® miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) and their importance in cancer and other diseases.

Expression arrays are also available for various other species like mouse, rat, bovine, chicken, canine, maize, porcine, rice, wheat, yeast and many more.

Do you need more information? Are you interested in an individual quote? Just contact us!