Amplicon Variance Analysis

Amplicon Variance Analysis

Our service is as adaptable as your project is individual

Depending on the amplicon sequencing approach, our experts apply analysis layouts tailored to your specific project needs.

Amplicon sequencing is used for a wide range of applications, like metagenome analysis, diversity screenings or mutation analysis. Our state-of-the-art amplicon sequencing is supported by tailor-made bioinformatic solutions. This allows our amplicon analysis pipeline full flexibility which can be adapted to your individual needs.

The amplicon variance analysis is ideally suited for high variant samples, such as the hypervariable antibody regions or variable regions of 16S or 18S sequences. The flexibility and mode of action makes it the perfect solution for samples with low variances, like population samples for SNP detection.

Our services at a glance:

  • Sorting and clipping of amplicon reads
  • Clustering of reads (without reference sequence)
  • 16 / 18S or 23 / 28S phylogenetic analysis
  • Analysis of variances (SNPs and Indels) in comparison to a given reference sequence

Our deliverables at a glance:

  • FASTQ files (Illumina)
  • Summary of MID / barcode sorting

Clustering Service:

  • Tabular text files ready to import into your preferred spreadsheet program answering the following questions:
    • How many clusters were obtained?
    • How many and which reads are in each cluster?
    • What is the homology of each read compared to the respective cluster read?
    • What is the sequence of the representative read of each cluster?
    • Further clustering statistics

Mutation analysis in comparison to a reference:

  • Tabular list showing the number of reads sharing the same mutation pattern compared to the reference sequence
  • Sequence comparison files (BLAST format)