Re-sequencing Of Genomes

Re-sequencing Of Genomes

Re-sequencing projects with the technology of choice

Identify the differences with Illumina HiSeq 2500 or Illumina MiSeq technology.

Re-sequence whole genomes and identify genetic variations, single base mutations, insertions and deletions compared to the reference genome. Based on your study's aims and the size of the genome, Eurofins Genomics will address your re-sequencing project using either HiSeq 2500 or MiSeq technology.

Re-sequencing with Illumina HiSeq 2500

The HiSeq 2500 is ideal for whole genome re-sequencing of large eukaryotic genomes with well-known references. The tremendous data outputs allow sequencing of 6 human genomes per run or tens of fungal genomes per channel.

Resequencing with Illumina MiSeq

With reads of up to 300 bp, the MiSeq sequences up to 24 bacterial genomes in one single run. Delivering turnaround times of only 3-4 weeks for such projects is a walk in the park for the Illumina MiSeq. If you are looking for high quality and fast re-sequencing of bacterial genomes, the MiSeq is the technology of choice.


Need more information for your specific project or require an individual quote? Just contact us!

Re-sequencing project specifications

Re-sequencing data delivers crucial information for disease pathways analysis, breeding studies, production strain optimisation or metabolic engineering.

Our re-sequencing service comprises the following steps:

  • Preparation of one shotgun library per sample
  • Shotgun sequencing on HiSeq 2500 or MiSeq to 30-50-fold sequence coverage
  • Mapping of the sequencing data onto a reference sequence
  • Genome comparison by SNP and InDel analysis
  • Sequence reads that are not present on the reference genome (e.g. due to phage insertions or plasmids) are automatically sorted and will be delivered
  • Optional, SNP annotation for comprehensive classification of variances