Resequencing By Sequence Capture

Resequencing By Sequence Capture

Focus on the relevant regions

Benefit from a seamless workflow of capture design, sequence capture and next generation sequencing.

Focus on your region of interest and profit from a considerably reduced sequencing need with sequence capture. A seamless workflow of the capture design, the enrichment and the sequencing is guaranteed with Eurofins Genomics.

Eurofins together with NimbleGen offers sequence capture with NimbleGen EZ Libraries for customised capture projects. Any continuous or noncontinuous region of interest where reference sequences are available can be specified for resequencing.

Typical applications include:

  • Sequencing of candidate genes of specific traits or from disease pathways
  • Sequencing of disease associated regions

In combination with an advanced data analysis pipeline (Junction Sequence Analysis, JSA) sequence capture with NimbleGen EZ libraries can also provide nucleotide level information about integration sites of plasmids and tDNAs. This allows early and efficient selection of perfect GMO clones.

The following capture layouts are available depending on the size of the region and the organism:

NimbleGen SeqCap EZ Choice and EZ Choice XL

  • Target regions up to 7 and 200 Mbp, respectively
  • Only for human samples

NimbleGen SeqCap EZ Developer

  • Target regions up to 200 Mbp
  • Recommended for non-human samples

Are you interested in an individual quote or need additional information? Just contact us!

Simultaneously analyse large amounts of samples

The SeqCap EZ capture method utilises single tubes of stable oligonucleotide probes to capture target sequences in solution (see figure). Since the workflow is so easy to scale, you can simultaneously analyse up 940 samples for more efficient and economic targeted re-sequencing.

The NimbleGen oligo design stands apart from other capture designs since it uses special design algorithms. 50-105-mer probes are used rather than probes of a fixed size, and more probes are used compared to other methods.  This allows a higher uniformed coverage in comparison to other methods.

Benefit from targeted resequencing experiments:

  • Target any region of interest
  • Obtain high specificity levels and uniformity of coverage
  • Improved coverage in repetitive regions
  • Easy detection of small Indels and sequence variants

Study all types of mutations

Rely on our expertise to deliver comprehensive data analysis. Receive high quality mapping data to start studying all types of mutations e.g. SNPs or structural variations.

Our bioinformatic analysis includes:

  • Mapping of targeted resequencing data to your reference sequence
  • SNP analysis and quality statistics
  • Complete coverage overview and read counting statistics
  • Additional statistical analysis