De Novo Assembly

De Novo Assembly

Get the most out of your data

Let your de novo assembly projects be processed using our comprehensive assembly software suite and obtain more accurate and detail data results.

Using our long-year experience in de novo assemblies and best in class software tools like Newbler, Celera, Mira or Velvet / Oasis, guarantees the best possible assembly results for genomes and transcriptomes.

De novo assembly of genomes

Our de novo genome assembly service for Illumina sequencing stands for an assembly strategy specifically adapted to the sequencing data input. Our service combines the information from the shotgun and paired-end reads to generate contigs and to determine their orientation and relative position within scaffolds. We provide you with the optimal assembly of your genome of interest consisting of the smallest possible number of contigs and scaffolds.

In addition we also offer de novo assembly of PacBio RSII sequencing data.

De novo assembly of transcriptomes

Our advanced assembly tools reliably provide you with a detailled overview of all expressed genes in your species of interest.

De novo transcriptome assembly is the preferred method to find genes expressed in a non-model organism. Based on the particular platform used for sequencing, we apply assembly of Illumina short reads using software tools like Velvet / Oasis to give you the best data output.


Our deliverables at a glance:

  • FASTQ files (Illumina) containing all reads
  • FASTA and quality scoring files of all contigs (separate files for large contigs)
  • Contig survey: comprehensive statistical overview of the assembly results
  • ACE file and Staden Gap4 database file for easy visualising of the assembly results (only FLX assemblies)

Are you interested in an individual quote or need additional information? Just contact us!