Genome Annotation & Cooperation Partners

Genome Annotation & Cooperation Partners

Genome annotation

One-stop shopping solution for complete genomic projects.

You have performed a de novo genome sequencing project and obtained a high-quality genome assembly? In cooperation with our business partners Igenbio, Inc. (IG) (former Integrated Genomics) and Genomatix Software GmbH, we offer you best-in-class annotation service. Receive accurate open reading frames (ORFs) with the assigned functions of the identified genes or RNAs, and compare your annotation directly to the set of already known genome sequences in the databases.

Annotation of prokaryotic and fungal genomes

Igenbios' ERGO database is the optimal basis for genome annotation projects. The ERGO database contains the largest and most diverse collection of complete and draft bacterial and fungal genomes. That is why the ERGO automated annotation from Igenbio typically results in 10% to 20% more successful function prediction than competing technologies.

Annotation of any other eukaryotic genome

Obtaining high-quality annotations for eukaryotic species from a single source has never been this easy. Together with our partner Genomatix Software GmbH a leading service provider of premium annotation, you gain incredible access to more than 13 years' experience in the field of genome annotation and the interpretation of sequencing data. You receive quality assessed annotated data which you can immediatedly use for your research. It is also possible to receive your data fully integrated into a customised Genomatix Genome Analyzer system, enabling you to run sophisticated analysis pipelines from day one and maximise your knowledge gain.

Genomatix - bioinformatics at its best

Our long-standing cooperation with Genomatix Software GmbH, a pioneer for Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatic Solutions, ensures the best interpretation for your project results.

Benefit from a high level of expertise for complex biological processes.

Together with Genomatix Software GmbH, as a leading company in complex analysis and interpretation of next generation sequencing data, we offer state-of-the-art solutions for your individual project needs.

Get powerful turnkey solutions for downstream next generation sequencing combined with the highest scientific standards and cutting edge technology:

  • Extraction of the relevant biological findings from ChIP-Seq, DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq
  • Correlation and visualisation of next generation sequencing results based on comprehensive genome annotation
  • Exome wide mutation (SNP/InDel) analysis for human exome resequencing projects

Igenbio, Inc. - the perfect partner for bacterial & fungal genome annotation

Cutting-edge annotation services for bacterial, fungal and yeast genomes from the best.

Eurofins Genomics and Igenbio, Inc. (former Integrated Genomics) collaborately bring you high quality sequencing and optimised genome annotation in one service package.

Find over 2,600 annotated bacterial genomes within the ERGO Genome Analysis Suite.

Annotation of bacterial genomes with ERGO (Igenbio) includes:

    • ORF calling
    • Functional assignment
    • Protein similarity calculation
    • Pathway analysis