In accordance with the Thanksgiving holiday, the sequencing lab will be open on Thursday 11/28 and closed Friday 11/29 and Saturday 11/30.
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Receive quality controlled libraries
We provide you with high quality DNA and cDNA libraries ready-to-sequence on your own sequencing instrument.
Do you have your a sequencing instrument at your facility but no resources or not the time to establish certain library protocols? Let us support you with quality controlled and ready-to-sequence libraries. Save time by outsourcing those complex library preparation procedures to Eurofins Genomics, your professional service provider.
Our ready-to-sequence libraries:
Genomic libraries
cDNA libraries
Interested in an individual quote or need additional information? Just contact us!
Quality controlled & ready-to-sequence
High-quality libraries for genome sequencing data.
Optimal libraries are the first step towards interpretable genome assemblies with low number of contigs, scaffolds and gaps. If you have a sequencing instrument and would like to save time and resources on library preparation, Eurofins Genomics can provide you with a complete portfolio of libraries for your project.
Genomic shotgun libraries for HiSeq 2500 / MiSeq
Benefit from up to 24 individually indexed genomic shotgun libraries for HiSeq 2500 or MiSeq sequencers. We offer you different types of insert sizes depending on your sequencing layout for maximum flexibility. Our long jumping distance librariers (LJDs) are excellent to improve your genome coverage for accurate bioinformatics processing.
Order mRNA-Seq libraries from Eurofins Genomics and experience the benefit of dedicated services.
High-quality mRNA-Seq library preparation requires hands-on experience. Outsourcing your library preparation to us frees your resources to focus on sequencing or data analysis. There is no need to waste time for establishing new and complex library protocols in your lab. Our libraries are quality controlled and ready-to-sequence on your Illumina HiSeq or MiSeq instrument.
mRNA-Seq libraries for HiSeq 2500 / MiSeq
Use our mRNA-Seq libraries for expression profiling, splice site analysis and fusion gene analysis.
Strand-specific mRNA-Seq libraries for HiSeq 2500 / MiSeq
Maintain transcript strandedness in your transcriptome data with our strand-specific mRNA-Seq library protocol. Enhance the quality of your bioinformatics analysis with higher mapping accuracies based on directional sequencing.