Mapping & Variance Analysis

Mapping & Variance Analysis

Accurately study all types of mutations

Get high quality mapping data to start study SNPs and Indels.

Identifying exactly where reads map is crucial for any subsequent analysis such as SNP detection or expression profiling studies.

Eurofins Genomics mapping analysis from experts means, regardless if it is short or long read data sets, we provide you with accurate Indel and point mutation detection reported in VCF (Variant Calling Format) files and / or comprehensive tables.

Our bioinformatic services offer:

  • Mapping of re-sequencing data to a reference genome (e.g. from whole genome sequencing or exome sequencing projects)
  • De novo assembly of reads not present in the reference genome (e.g. phages, insertions, plasmids) (upon request)
  • SNP and InDel detection based on the mapping results

Our deliverables at a glance:

  • FASTQ files (Illumina) containing all reads
  • Mapping survey: mapping results including number of reads and bases mapped, information on reference coverage and much more
  • SAM/BAM files for deep data interpretation and visualisation with commonly available software tools
  • Listing and analysis of heterozygote and homozygote SNPs (in VCF format)
  • VCF files for upload in several visualisation softwares (e.g. IGV viewer)
  • SNP/InDel annotation (available for annotated references) including a classification of variances and comprehensive HTML file for visualisation

Interested in an individual quote or need additional information? Just contact us!