NGS Favorite Options

NGS Favorite Options

NGS Favourites - straightforward solutions for complex projects

Next generation sequencing service packages predesigned for your application

Many years of experience with next generation sequencing at Eurofins Genomics led us to create standard packages for a variety of next generation sequencing applications. Our Favourites are optimised packages for common NGS applications that evolved from the vast array of completed custom projects.


  • Highest quality - the NGS Favourites are based on superior in-house techniques which ensure premium data quality
  • Economic prices - expertise combined with attractive prices
  • Straightforward solutions - save time and effort by choosing a Best Practise approach that includes all steps to successfully finalise your project

All NGS Favourites can be ordered exclusively via our NGS Online Shop.

Advantages of our NGS Online Shops:

  • 24/7 access
  • Same login credentials for all service units from Eurofins Genomics (e.g. oligos)
  • Online Status-Tracking for your order

Testimonials for our NGS Online Shop can be found here.

Customer feedbacks about our NGS Online Shop

Share your opinion with us by using our feedback sheet.

"I am a consistent user of the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) services of Eurofins Genomics, working with email quotations to place my orders. Using the NGS online shop for ordering a new project is not only incredibly easy but also really fast. I can now price and order a complete NGS service in only 10 minutes, instead of waiting for a quote. I will continue to use Eurofins Next generation sequencing services because I appreciate their experience and professionalism."
Ole Søgaard Lund, Associate professor, Copenhagen University, Denmark