Transcriptome Analysis Service

Transcriptome Analysis Service

The complete portfolio to analyse your transcriptome study

Outstanding bioinformatics specialists perform your gene expression using best-in-class software tools.

Transcriptome studies can have various aims such as studying which genes are expressed in a certain sample or comparing gene expression levels. Eurofins Genomics utilises established pipelines to address the bioinformatic analysis of all of these projects with the up-to-date software tools.

Gene expression profiling

  • Mapping of reads onto a unigene set or an annotated reference genome
  • Expression analysis by read counting of individual samples
  • Comparison of read counts from all samples within a comprehensive table
  • Optional, differential expression (DE) analysis using up-to-date statistical models

Overview of which genes are expressed in a certain sample

Mutation detection in expressed genes

  • Mapping of reads onto a unigene set or an annotated reference genome
  • SNP and InDel calling from the mapping files

Are you interested in an individual quote or need additional? Just contact us!

Accurately study alterations in gene expression

Save time and receive ready-to-interpret data from your expression profiling project.

Order your expression profiling project with our bioinformatic service and let our experts quickly choose the appropriate mapping software and correct mapping parameters. You receive high-quality state-of-the-art analysed data which saves you time since you can immediately start interpretation of your data.

Our bioinformatic services offer:

  • Mapping of mRNA-Seq reads onto a unigene set or an annotated reference genome
  • Expression analysis by comparing read counts of individual samples
  • Optional, differential expression (DE) analysis using statistical software

Our deliverables at a glance:

  • FASTQ files containing all reads
  • Mapping survey: mapping results including number of reads and bases mapped, information on reference coverage and much more
  • Deep data interpretation and visualisation with commonly available software tools via SAM / BAM files
  • Read counting results in tabular form
  • Comparison of read counts from all samples within a comprehensive table
  • Our differential expression will deliver fold-changes and P-values for filtered reference features and statistics of the DE analysis