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This cart contains the following products:

  1. DNA / RNA Synthesis
    1. Custom DNA Oligos
    2. Express Oligos
    3. Plate Oligos
    4. Truemer Plates for Synthetic Biology Oligos
    5. RNA
    6. Chimeric RNA/DNA
    7. Primers
    8. Probes
  2. Sequencing
    1. SimpleSeq Kits
    2. SimpleSeq Webless Kits
    3. Overnight Shipping Kits
    4. Barcodes
  3. Gene Synthesis & Fragments
  4. Next Generation Sequencing

This cart contains the following products:

  1. Sequencing
    1. Sequencing Tubes & Plates
    2. SimpleSeq Activation
  2. Account & Order History
    1. Order History
    2. Account Related Pages
  3. DNA / RNA Synthesis
    1. Stock Oligos
    2. Large Scale Synthesis
    3. DNA Pooling