- New / Received / Order Received means that the order was submitted online and successfully reached our order management system.
- Order in Review means that the lab received the order and is currently reviewing it.
- In Preparation means the lab has received the order. it is under review before the production process begins. If a problem is identified during the review, our Genomics Support team will contact you.
- In Synthesis / In Production means DNA synthesis has begun.
- *Purification / In QC / Liquid Handling, Normalization, Drying, Deprotection are additional steps in the production process which are not show in the order status updates. They are important to be aware of because a problem in these steps may result in resynthesis.
- Ready to Ship means the lab is finished with the order and it successfully passed QC.
- Shipped / Complete means the order has shipped out of our facility.
- *Invoiced means the invoice is available in your Order History, to view or download.
*Asterisks indicate the steps which are not visible on the mobile app.
QC includes 100% mass spec on every oligo. If an oligo does not pass mass spec, it is resynthesized (also referred to as “redos”). Redos may impact the delivery time. Eurofins Genomics is one of the few companies that provides 100% mass spec on every oligo. This ensures high quality oligos every tiime.
Sequencing Orders

- New / Received / Order Received means that the order was submitted online and successfully reached our order management system.
- Order in Review means that the lab received your order and is reviewing it to make sure all information and material is accounted for.
- Ready for Sequencing means that the lab has everything they need to begin sequencing and will begin preparation soon.
- In Preparation means that the lab is preparing your order to go onto our sequencing equipment.
- Waiting on Materials/Samples means the lab received the online order but not the physical samples. If this message does not change after 24-48 hours, you may want to call customer support. There are several potential reasons for this. The most common are 1.) the customer submitted the online order first, and has not mailed the samples yet, 2.) the samples are still in transit, or 3.) the samples do not contain any order or account information so the lab is unable to pair them with an order. An easy way to avoid the last issue is to always print your online order and included it in your sample shipment.
- On Hold indicates a problem, usually during incoming QC. Common causes are an insufficient amount of sample and/or primer, or a difficult template type that requires special attention. You should call customer support if this message appears.
- Processing / In Sequencing means the order passed incoming QC and is currently being run.
- Partial Results / Processing means the results are almost done. This message is common for large orders, where a few plates might be complete, but not the entire order.
- Complete / Results ready means the sequencing results are available in your order history to view or download.
- *Invoiced means the invoice is available in your Order History, to view or download.
- Order Canceled means the order was canceled and will not go into production.
- Material Issue - Contact CS means that the lab found an issue with your samples or other material. Please call our Genomics Support team.
*Asterisks indicate the steps which are not visible on the mobile app.
Eurofins Genomics is a leader in quality sequencing data, but no one is perfect. Although rare, reactions can have poor results. Many customers will request or purchase a redo, which is the common term for resequencing a reaction. Redos can delay the delivery of data. Please read the sample submission guidelines before submitting your samples to ensure the best results.